Using Factory Coils and How to make them last longer!

Using Factory Coils and How to make them last longer!

Factory coils in tanks and the like have been a godsend for vapers, allowing newcomers to enjoy a much better vape without having to learn all about more complicated setups and rebuildables.

What exactly is a factory coil?

A factory coil as the name indicates, is a factory made coil, typically contained in some type of metal casing, and available in packs of 5.

These coils are generally disposable, and screwed into your tank, almost instantly ready to use, taking all of the complicated things like building your own coils and wicking them, completely out of the equation.

How often do factory coils need to be changed?

This will vary depending on not only the type of tank and coil, but also the type of eliquid you run through your setup.

You could have a coil last 2 days, and you may also have one last up to 3 weeks.

In addition, some coils just do not last long, whether by design or being notoriously badly built. Of course the quality of the coil can only be as good as the quality checks that are put in place by the company that makes them.

Various eliquid flavours and profiles will also have you going through coils more frequently. For example, eliquid containing sweetener, a known ingredient that gunks up and degrades coils and wicks, will have you changing out coils a lot more often than a cleaner eliquid that does not have sweetener at all.

Typically dessert and tobacco flavours will also have you changing out coils more frequently than fruity flavours.

How do I know when I need to change my coil?

You’ll know. When I say that, I mean that you will notice a difference in your vape experience, whether it be a nasty flavour, or the intensity of your vape may drop off a little.

Bad taste

When your coil needs changing, you’ll likely be getting a slightly burnt flavour through your vape. Cotton breaks down, and different eliquids degrade them depending on what they are made from. Sweetener is notorious for destroying coils quickly, as do coffee, tobacco and dessert flavourings.

Weak or less intense vape

If you don’t notice a burnt note in your flavour, you may find that you are getting a weaker “hit” than usual. This can be caused by the coil or wick being gunked up and not vapourising your eliquid properly.

Leaking tanks

Believe it or not a bad coil and wick can also be the reason for a leaky tank. Cotton’s physical integrity only lasts so long, and as it ages, it becomes less able to soak up and hold eliquid effectively. If your wicks can’t hold liquid, the liquid has to go somewhere!

Atomizer short or error messages on your battery

These errors can be caused by any number of things, your tank not making contact with your battery, or even a broken coil. If you continue to have these types of issues, a fresh coil might be just what is needed!

Are there any tricks to changing out my factory coil?

Sure there are, and some of them quite important in order to get the most out of your coil.

Priming your coils

Before using your new coil, you should prime it. A good way of doing this is to take whatever juice you are using and saturate the coil for a while before installing it. Drip some juice into the intake holes, and onto the cotton to get it nice and wet.
Once you’ve done this, you can install your coil. But don’t hit it yet! Read on.

After installation and break in

After installation, you’ll want to make sure that your coil is ready for use, part of doing so is breaking it in. Going crazy and hitting a new coil at 200 watts without any break in period, is going to have you getting dry hits and the cotton not soaking up as much juice as it should.

Fill your tank up and let it sit a while, 5 – 10 minutes should be ok. Once that is done, without firing it, take a few pulls through the atomizer just like you’re vaping but without firing, this will get any air bubbles out and get that air lock (negative pressure) in your tank working properly.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’re good to go. It is a good idea to start with a low wattage setting to begin with, just to make sure your coil is well and truly prepared and broken in for daily use. Typically I will start off at about 20 watts, and increment up from there 5 -10 watts at a time until I reach my desired wattage.

I don’t want to buy new coils all the time, can I clean my factory coils?

Absolutely, putting them in a cheap vodka bath for 24 hours can bring old coils back from the dead, according to some vapers. I’ve also heard of people boiling them to get rid of any nasties!

Whatever you try though, please be careful, rinse your coils with water if you’ve giving them a vodka bath, and be careful of melted insulators if you decide to start boiling things! Safety first!

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Shane Presser
Shane Presser has been vaping since 2013, and has extensive experience with advanced equipment, coil builds and DIY mixing. He is the man behind VapersGarage, and also more recently Aussie Vape Stores, a resource to help vapers find their nearest Vape Shops, and eLiquid Vendors.

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